poetry and writing

(return home, or) presented as one long page because this is how these things are organized in my documents

(untitled, unaffiliated response) [26 may 2024]

(linked here; cw: suicide)

(response to joe, 12/13 may) [13 may 2024]

what is here:
light leaves, and a rumble
of trees and other towers
bearing the distance between our fences
the distance measured in moments
i see you among me

this side of the river
the mist, the moths, all flickering
as the light forgets its post
the scope of our awareness
is points, paths we trace with abandon
passers-by in still air

it feels colder, and i
reach an arm around my shoulder
instinctively, for a scarf, or
a moment
of warmth in the lingering glow
as i watch my shadows repeat

time projecting a map of distance
a map of difference across space
the details echo and scatter
like leaves on the blacktop

(let me level with you) [11 apr 2024]

If I lay on the floor
and imagine the view
from the rooftop—cold shing-
-les against my warm back,
planar equals beneath
a plain sky—and I fill
in the stars on my shoul-
-der blades, gaps in the plas-
-ter, my vertebrae merge
with the faint constella-
-tions, my ribs now adrift
with the movement of clan-
-destine galaxies. I
am beyond what I feel,
what encases me, one
and the same are the space
in our sky and the space
in my lungs, now expand-
-ing and flowing apart;
and in months or millen-
-ia, my essence will spread
even further—warm cells
permeate the cold vac-
-uum, now opposites lost
in the depths of the same—

—and perhaps I'll be gone.
If you lay on the floor
and draw squares on the small
of my back, wrap my hair
'round your fingers, I'll turn
on my side without ques-
-tion. I'm here; now the stars
are aflutter, the gal-
-axies flipped on their heads,
but your gravity binds
us together, at least
for the moment. We drift
past our vessels; like me,
you sojourn in the sky,
but right here on the car-
-pet we orbit ourselves,
and we settle, my hand
laced in yours, my bo-
-dy at rest.

cold day [4 mar 2024; rev. 2 sep 2024]

It's a bit of a cold day
in the midst of the trees, and
birds, and grasses, and chain-link
figures tracing the outline
of a wavering mirror—
—no, let's call it a pond; and
near to these are the benches,
hills and stones, and a concrete
bridge that people may use (for
fear of touching the water?);
footpaths circling the pond and
filling gaps in the redwoods;
paths depositing charcoal
shadows over the plain, the
valley, shadows of people
set in linear motion
through a meadow of planar
It's a bit of a cold day
sitting here at the fence, the
edge of human endeavor
and the boundary set for
ducks and turtles and reeds and
water lilies to hold their
own domain,
                       and a teal
duck escapes the enclosure
lightly wobbling now be-
-side my feet, and it shakes its
feathers, sprinkling water
on my shoes, and it seems that
it's a little bit warmer.

sky negative [15 feb 2024]

afield, lilac
set asail
warbling as
finch calls
steady sky

adrift, a
mirror by
vacant sun
her domain

these, here
as such

twill [14 feb 2024]

lay traces
    night flows
first glimpses of
nascent shadows
beneath our dunes

and then on
—we sift
    dusk remains
into dust, and
for us, deserts.

(alternate route) [19 dec 2023]

i've resigned from the flood
repetition churning line after life
          filling in cracks,
crevices, rockbeds,
churcles left to tumble-dry crystal-
          -line cartography
it's a long time coming
rosette pattern searcher
          red character,
chart, actor,
careful chasing tails or titles
          tidal raisings
i'm telling you this now
clear river traces
creation as misunderstanding
          opened gates

(untitled, with regret) [x jul 2023]

every time i close my eye
s my life
soft (of my life)
closed open
stutter stop
    you are th
e light

(of my life)very time i
    found you
slow open, fast
i was
lost (in my
your life

time i found
    (you) with (yo
u)nder over
is it the
    re(al read
y)et we didnt
find time
left my
(i le(f)t you
    (close)d) life

is yours
time i c(lose )my life)
to sleep
    awak(e very)
close to you
ar(e the (real)
    light of) my

ven if i
    cant be
there (you found
    me)very time
for (in) you
(found me)ven
    if i cant b
e there(al)
i still
    (found yo
u)are the
(r e)ven if i
you we
re(al) the
of m